Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Dig It

More things are happening in the backyard. Some were planned, some were not. Here's how it looks right now.

Hey Marvid, can you see the hose? Thanks, it's a great gift. 

Close up of the 4 square beds. The hydrangeas on the bottom right have had a tough time during this hot hot hot summer. 

Even though the neighbor's tree provides a decent amount of shade, the sun and drought have taken their toll on them. They might do better in the empty bed on the left where there's even more shade. Man, you can see some sunburned brown leaves in there.

This patch grew on its own. After clearing out a ton of weeds and transplanting some grass stalks from other parts of the garden (where they also popped up) into this area, this bed really filled out. I love ornamental grass but I'm not sure this is the right choice for this spot. It's very tall and doesn't have a ton of interesting character.

This little peanut is a butterfly bush. Butterflies have already visited and birds seem to like it too. It should grow into the size of the bed.

This is at the back of the yard, against the garage wall. The flowers move from yellow to blue to pink to purple but the pinkies and purples are a little shy right now.

These are right next to the pretty blue delphiniums. My hope is that they'll bust open into sweet little pink flowers and fill in that section with some color.

Don't know yet what's going to happen over here.

But the plan for the weed haven against the fence is to fill it with lilacs.

There are a couple of potted plants up on the back porch. This one didn't do so great. It actually died before I got it into this pot. I thought there was a chance it would resurrect. It did not.

And in the front of the house the hydrangea in the pot is doing really well. This is how it looked back in May when it first bloomed and had a crazy deep purple color. 

The blooms then turned green and deep burnished magenta. Now some new blue flowers are appearing. A little psychedelic but this is a great plant and I'm super happy it's still alive.

And here's a cute little trash can that came from a garage sale. It's super handy for getting rid of all the flyers and circulars that people leave on the front porch.

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving the whole design--it's beautimous, and so very zen, and hip. Like it a lot.
